RTP 180: Blockchain
So, do you know what Blockchain is? Before you consult Google, check out this video for an explanation that is way better than ours…
That’s right, there is more to Blockchain than just Bitcoin. It is a system to provide structure, authenticity and checks & balances for all sorts of data. They say it is distrupting the industry, and our speakers agree! Join leading experts from around The Triangle on March 15 to learn more about this hot topic.
*Bonus Feature* If you are still confused on what the heck blockchain is all about, check out this highly catchy song about by Steve Prince!
Dr. Sandra K. Johnson | SKJ Visioneering, geeRemit
Alan Dickinson | IBM Blockchain
Drago Bratic | BitBasics
Eric Porper & Faruk Okcetin | finesttoken.com
About RTP180
Innovation. Education. Industry. These are powerful angles—and what the Research Triangle Park is known for. At RTP180, speakers from our three founding universities, local companies, and the community at-large are called upon to take the stage to speak passionately about what matters to them. Doors open at 5:00pm for networking, beer & popcorn. Show kicks off at 6:00pm.
This year, we’ve chosen four themes for RTP180: Science, Human Communications & Interactions, Technology and Economic Development. Each of our monthly topics will fall under one of these themes.
The hashtag for this event is #RTP180. Get social with us by tagging @theRTP and @RTPFrontier.
Can’t attend in person? The event will be livestreamed herebeginning at 6pm on Thursday, March 15th. A day or two after, we will have it hosted on our website here.